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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cold and Rainy

The weather had been kind of nice the past two days. Its cold, which I love...but it has also been drizzling for the past two-day’s non-stop. I don’t mind if it rains, but when it never stops it makes me so lazy. I don’t want to wake up or go to work!

When I finally woke up today, I went outside to see how my pups were doing. They were out playing in the rain! I was amazed, since all day yesterday they stayed in the carport all bundled up. They were soaked! They looked like they were having so much fun!

Anyway, so I have been debating on whether to get a point-&-shoot camera or not. I can't seem to make up my mind! It sucks! I have looked at several cameras and I can't find what I want in my price range.

When I do find one I like, its price is high enough that it makes me think, "why get this if I could save just alittle more and get my new pro camera"

I am planing on going to BestBuy tomorrow to see the selection of camera they have. I have also thought about just getting a new lens for my DSLR. Basically why I am looking for a point-&-shoot camera is because I want a camera that is easy to use when I am looking to take a random picture of Tiff and I while we are out on Vacations.

Point-&-Shoot or New wide-angle lens! That is were I am at now! I guess if I don’t find a good point-&-shoot then ill look into the lenses more. Well see how that goes tomorrow.
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