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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Point and Shoot

I have been thinking of getting a point-and-shoot camera. I usually use my DSLR cameras, but for time to time I would father use something a little smaller for pictures on Tiffany and I. Its kinda hard to use a HUGE DSLR to take a self photo when we are out on vacations.

I know she had a point and shoot, but for some reason I don’t use her camera. Mainly because I don’t have the time to mess around with a camera I only see once in a long while. I have found a few that are a little better then usually point-and-shoots. The Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 seems like a very high tech camera. It is a little for more money then I want to spend for a point-and-shoot, but you never know.

I am thinking of going to BestBuy or any other electronic store to really see what they have to offer. I know the Lumix is not at those stores, well not the one I want. I think it is time to go do some hands on tryouts. I hope I find one of reasonable pricing.
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