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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Holiday is coming...

So today, the day before Thanksgiving is such a slow day! I have cleaned what I needed to, now just to wait for the family to get here tomorrow.

Today I found out that Soulja Boy cancelled his concert at the Dodge Arena. I think it is because not enough tickets were sold. I noticed that on the 20th the tickets were 50% off for that one day only. I guess that didn’t work either. So now there is now concert for me to shoot with coming Friday.

Despite the cancelled show, I am still happy because I also learned today that Lil' Wayne is coming to the Dodge Arena Dec. 17. I will hopefully be shooting that concert and the Underoath concert on Dec. 14 as well.

So for now I'm just here waiting for the holiday. We’ll see how that goes....
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